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Today's weather in South Tyrol

Today's general weather conditions
High air pressure will continue to determine the weather, but the air masses will be more unstable.
Today's weather
The sun will shine frequently in the afternoon. High clouds will move through and cumulus clouds will develop. Single thunderstorms are possible.
Max  33°
Min  22°
Today's mountain weather
High air pressure will continue to determine the weather, but the air masses will be more unstable.
Cumulus clouds develop with the sun and the tendency to thunderstorms increases during the afternoon. A few high cloud fields pass through.

Temperature at a height of 1,000 metres :  29 °C
Temperature at a height of 2,000 metres :  19 °C
Temperature at a height of 3,000 metres :  11 °C
0 degrees threshold:  4600 °C
Tomorrow's weather
A weak disturbance crosses the Alps from north to south.
On Sunday, it will initially be very sunny apart from localised patches of high fog. During the course of the day, cumulus clouds will form and a few thunderstorms will develop. Föhn winds in the northern valleys.
Max  34°
Min  21°
Weather development
The sun will shine all day on Monday, with hardly any clouds to be seen. Temperatures will rise slightly. There will also be bright sunshine and few clouds on Tuesday. Wednesday will be mostly sunny. Occasionally a thunderstorm may develop in the afternoon. After a sunny start, there will be more clouds and more frequent thunderstorms during the day on Thursday.
Max  35°
Min  20°
Max  34°
Min  20°
Max  35°
Min  20°
Residence Reinhild - Rauch Family
Via del Mulino 10, I - 39010 Nalles, South Tyrol l M: +39 335 6054202 l T +39 0471 537054 l VAT IT01616010219 |
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